1 . Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before
2 . After the labor of rest is the most comfortable,ha ha,lets enjoy the wonderful holiday!
3 . adj 夜晚的,夜间的
4 . 父爱如天,给我们遮挡风雨;父爱如地,给我们浇灌希望;父爱如山,给我们坚实依靠。今天是父亲节,祝福所有父亲永远健康幸福!
5 . My special wish may bring you health, luck and happiness each minute! Hope it really proves to be the nicest birthday you have spent
6 . Time flies Today comes your birthday The best of all good things for this special day and all the many more to come Many happy returns!
7 . 当我取得成绩,我会想起你,让你同我一起分享;当我遇到困难,我也会想起你,请你指明方向;爸爸,父亲节到了,祝您节日快乐!
8 . 父爱是无私的,父爱是伟大的。我们享有父爱,更应好好珍惜。父亲节即将来临,大家都行动起来,让我们的父亲过个快乐的节日吧。
9 . china recalling the road traveled over so many years, i am glad he is a chinese! and i would like to have the same idea - a happy national day! ! 回顾中国这么多年走过的路,我庆幸自己是一名中国人!愿和我有同样想法的人??国庆快乐!!
10 . you mean everything to me please say yeshappy valentine’s day, honey!
1 . Went to the National Day holiday in the country to celebrate this day, I hope you
2 . 祝你生日快乐,天天快乐!
3 . 祝您父亲节快乐!
4 . 我相当冒失地祝你晚安。
5 . 为庆祝你跨越二十岁,我们准备了一个盛大的生日宴会。
6 . Can control the morning of the people, to control their lives If a man cant do early in the morning, what do you expect him to do?
7 . wishes you happy National Day, cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN! ! !
8 . In a sunny morning, in the morning, we found that the white hair, long at the head of our father and mother, so bright I could feel the a site, was hard prick
9 . 敬贺诞辰!愿这一切充满欢乐成功!
10 . National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country The birthday wish you good
1 . 招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful
2 . 不论如何,到了早晨,一切都会变干净,即使最顽固的污点也会消失。
3 . i want to hold your hand on valentine’s day happy valentine’s day, sweetie
4 . Workaholic,May Day off,take girl friend to go to play,dont always stay inside I wish a happy holiday!
5 . Happy birthday May gladness fill your every hour on this special day
6 . 愿你的生日充满无穷的快乐,愿你今天的回忆温馨,愿你今天的梦想甜美,愿你这一年称心如意!
7 . 年年有余: may you always get more than you wish for
8 . 似乎早晨醒来后的一片刺眼而朦胧的暖光,眼前一切都在过电 影一样地回放,缓慢而忧伤。
9 . My heartiest birthday greetings to you, a feeling much warmer than anybody can know Best wishes for everything your heart desire in the year
10 . i didn’t think that i could ever trust happiness then i met you
1 . 弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。
2 . Although today is labor day,but also should pay attention to rest,keep healthy Wishing you happiness during the holidays,the business is thriving!
3 . God created the universe for seven days,seven days the may holiday,we can create a world of colors?
4 . 五一是次旅游节,心情保养每一天!
5 . Happy birthday I hope today treats you well
6 . I am glad that you are my dad
7 . full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind the entire country is behind qi, and the home-sheng everything this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!
8 . 饥不择食The prompt goods have good qualities
9 . 鹏程万里: have a bright future
10 . I sincerely feel a grateful interest in each return of this happy anniversary Send you a birthday card and the accompanying gift is a token of my best wishes for your success and happiness
1 . 五一是个祝福日,祝你平安福满园!
2 . 我道了晚安后马上走了。I, rather imprudently, wished you good-night
3 . the may day i want to have a long sleep,but can you inform me when having a meal!
4 . i wish all the toiling masses may happy!
5 . autumn is the season of harvest, the fall is tempting moment if you would like to be the autumn harvest the fruits and laughter to you forever if blooming flowers 金秋是收获的季节,金秋是诱人的时刻。愿你收获永远如金秋的硕果,愿你欢笑永远如盛开的鲜花。
6 . may day is a blessing,wish you peace happy garden!
7 . 祝你度过一个最美好的生日,希望你未来的日子与以往一样快乐!
8 . 今天是国际男人劳动节,祝女人们节日快乐,天天美丽!
9 . Dont labor labor day!So Im just tired fingers move,give you clockwork SMS to wish you a happy labor day!
10 . n 夜晚;黑夜;黑暗
1 . 早晨一起醒来,你给我最温暖的吻,我给你做早餐,下午你接我下班, 我们一起回家。
2 . may this valentine bless us with the cupid of love and warmth of romance happy valentine’s day honey!
3 . meet with you in the fall, the national day, in early winter long you think christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - my first national day to a better date, okay? 与你相遇在秋高气爽的国庆,想你在初冬漫漫的圣诞,吻你在青草已绿的春天,只想轻轻的问你??-国庆给我一次美好的约会,好吗?
4 . 劳动节不劳动!所以我仅仅劳累手指一动,给你发条短信祝你劳动节快乐!
5 . 热烈祝贺你的生日,愿生日中最美好的一切属于你!
6 . 愿你宿愿得偿,快乐幸福更胜以往。
7 . 我为您做了一件礼物,希望您会喜欢。
8 . It is not everyday you have a birthday, so hope you have a wonderful one May it be followed by days and weeks and months and years of happiness for you!
9 . 希望你的心上人早日出现。
10 . 天下有情人终成眷属
1 . 吉星高照!
2 . 恭喜发财:Wish you prosperity
3 . Wishing you a wonderful birthday You make this world a nicer place just by being so kindhearted May this day that is all your own hold happiness for you and the years to come be filled with all the best things, too
4 . 情人节快乐:happy valentines day!!
5 . 人生最痛苦的事情,莫过于父亲节到了,我们不在他身边;人生最最痛苦的事情,莫过于在他身边,忘记父亲节到了。发条短信告诉你,趁早准备送祝福哦!
6 . 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success
7 . national day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million: million to be happy, healthy million, million should be safe, happy to million, million mo forget me! 国庆节之际,不想给你太多,只给你五千万:千万要快乐,千万要健康,千万要平安,千万要知足,千万莫忘记我!
8 . 若将人生一分为二,前半段叫做 “不犹豫”,后半段叫做 “不后悔”。
9 . The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page
10 . 祝你心情舒畅,节日愉快,注意身体,多多保重!